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10 not with lechers of this world, nor with covetous men, nor raveners, nor with men serving to maumets[a], else ye should have gone out of this world.

11 But now I have written to you, that ye be not mixed [Now soothly I wrote to you, to be not mingled, or commune not with such]. If he that is named a brother among you, and is a lecher, or covetous, or serving to idols, or a curser, or full of drunkenness, or a ravener, to take no meat with such [with such neither to take meat].

12 For what is it to me to deem of them that be withoutforth? Whether ye deem not of things that be withinforth? [Forsooth what to me to deem of them that be withoutforth. Whether ye deem not of them that be withinforth?]

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  1. 1 Corinthians 5:10 soothly not with lechers of this world, or with covetous men, or raveners, or with men serving to idols